Wednesday, August 6, 2008

pRaYeR aNd sHarIng

i had d privelege to meet up with this missionary as my family was on duty to be the speaker hospitality in my church..i asked her bout her work in bhutan.. so it seems that d ppl in bhutan are realy stonge Bhuddist..ok..neva seen 1 yet..but well dey were.. so i asked her how does she witness to them..seems that its done by sharing bible stories..

But wat reli striked me is dis..she said," u wana share, u reli reli gota pray..if not u cnt reach out 2 dem." i went hom, thought bout it, and its actually so so true. think bout it..the non-christians are in the kingdom of satan. so now as u share the gospel, you are like tryin to get them out of that kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. and do you tink satan would juz give them up lik dat?


now d question you have d compassion for lost souls that u pray 4 dem everyday? well this few days i've been sharing with quite a number of ppl and i tell u it wud be so hard if i din pray..i do not think that there wud be oppurtunities to share if i did not the ppl that i witness to seemed to be in situation where they could make a choice to allow God to intervene as those situations cannot be solved by human. So God has the platform to display His power.

So i urge u my brothers and sisters in Christ. Begin to pray mor n mor each day for ur loved ones whom u wana bring to Christ. coz it wud be impossible or very very hard to share with them if u dun. n be more fervent as the days of this time draw to an end.

Crying out To Him,

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