this video has really touched me on how the King of kings would come down 2 dis small planet called Earth and not only that..would give His life so that we may have life..
I realy realy duno wat else 2 do 2 thank this amazing God of mine n i duno how else you who read this can thank this amazing God..The only thing God deserves and wat we owe God is our lives..
If this has touched you and you juz duno wat to do then pls leave a msg at the chat box of this blog..n i juz pray that you who read this blog, for christians that u will be reminded of this amazing God and begin 2 make it a point 2 alwayz be all out 4 Him coz thats what He deserves and that u will alwiz be amazed. For non-christians, i hope you noe wat God has done 4 u n how depraved u r that it took the Son of God's death to save you n theres no better way 2 repay this then 2 offer up ur lives to Him as living sacrifices.
To amazed and in awe,